Top 4 Things To Know During Our Saturn Return


Between the ages of 27 and 29, all of us will experience our Saturn return. This is when Saturn today returns to the same place he was when we were born. Saturn return is probably the most notorious transit in astrology, and for good reason. Saturn is the father of karma, time, lessons. During his return, we can feel a heaviness, a darkness permeating through our bodies and lives. Major events arise, life gets harder, and we often feel like we’re going crazy, being pushed to our limit, wanting it to end.

What is often misunderstood about this transit, is that it is a RECOURSE. Saturn will come into our lives and put us back on the path of our purpose, sometimes mercilessly. If we are living very out of line with this, the transit will be harder. If we resist, the transit will be harder. So what can we do during this time of potent and painful transformation?

1. Self-care. A lot is happening with us during this time on a very deep level. This means that we need to take extra precaution to take care of ourselves and our needs. Be proactive about this, and prioritize yourself.

2. Go inward. Stay centered and in your power by taking a break from external obligations and distractions. Set aside enough time for yourself to fully be present with yourself. I do this through writing, meditation, intentional rituals, dance etc. A lot is happening in your life, a lot is changing. Honor yourself with stillness and self-exploration.

3. Ask the right questions. Instead of asking “Why me?” “When will it end?” instead ask, “What is this trying to each me?” “What can I learn from this experience?” Saturn return is a time of powerful lessons, but they can often times go unnoticed because we aren’t recognizing them as such. We empower ourselves and our situations recognizing the deeper meaning behind events.

4. Remember it’s not forever. Remind yourself this is transient, temporary, that it’s going to get better. One of my favorite quotes (Mexican proverb) that reminds me of Saturn return is, “They tried to bury us. They didn’t know we were seeds.” Often times this transit feels like a burial. Just remind yourself that you need to go through it to bloom.

Note: My orientation towards astrology is not that of divination or future-telling. I believe in God and believe we should put our faith into Him first and foremost. I use knowledge of astrology as we use knowledge of weather patterns, to understand bigger energetic forecasts as a tool for personal development, self-analysis, and staying on the path of our divine purpose.

This piece was originally featured in a April 10, 2019 post on Instagram at @themorganmay