Embodied Feminine Power

A 6-Month, 1:1 Container to Discover your Divine Essence


Live over Zoom

It is my highest honor to offer this 6 month program to clients 1:1. This program had a profound impact on my life and my personal development in 2018 with my now mentor, Amanda Young. It spawned a massive “Feminine Energy Renaissance” and a deeper understanding of myself and what it really means to be a woman. Much of the work you see today started during this period in my life and is built on the foundations of this course. It is nothing short of absolutely transformational.

This container is so special that I later took a 9-month-long Teacher Training Certification to become a practitioner of the work. I hosted the first inaugural Morgan May cohort March-May of 2023, and the time has come now to offer this work in a 1:1 capacity for the woman ready to discover her authentic feminine self.

There has certainly been a resurgence of feminine energy content on the internet over the past two years especially, but it can be very fragmented and surface-level to receive an education in this way. This program is a comprehensive journey to discovering the Divine Feminine through the body. It will set the foundation for any personal development work you choose to do in the future, and will give you a much deeper context to understand the essence of feminine power, and come into your own.

How is this container different from other feminine energy work?

This container takes you on a journey through the body and the three faces of the goddess- the sensual, warrior, and compassionate. We will begin to contextualize our beings through each of these lenses, and integrate all of them to become truly powerful women- not in ego but in spirit.

This work is rich in mythology and archetypes, an element of the divine feminine lost in the viral, click-baitey, attention-grabbing content of social media. This approach brings a depth of understanding and knowledge that is invaluable in understanding yourself as a divine being.

This course is also rich in embodiment practices paired with each energy we work with. You will leave with a full arsenal of movements to fall back on in your own practice for the rest of your life.

Course Curriculum

Session 1: Foundation Practices

  • Divine Feminine introduction - Why the Goddess?

  • Dietary/ Simple Cleansing Practices

  • Start of Your Feminine-Based Spiritual Practice:

  1. Movement

  2. Shakti Breathing

  3. I AM Statement

Session 2: Feminine Spirituality as Presence and Embodiment

  • Creating Sacred Space in the Home

  • Hestia Greek Goddess of the Heart and Homelier

Session 3: Introduction to the Sensual Goddess and Aphrodite

  • Including Sensual Eating Practice

  • and Sacred Body Blessing and Awakening.

Session 4: Oshun

  • Sacred Seduction

  • Your Relationship to Your Pussy

Session 5: Lakshmi

  • Prosperity Consciousness and Your Sensual Energy

  • Beauty Rituals

  • Lakshmi Visualization and Embodiment

Session 6: Introduction to the Warrior Goddess and Artemis

  • How do you know you need the warrior goddess?

  • Artemis and her connection to the wild feminine, the moon, the womb, and goal direction and manifestation

  • Beginning Transformation

Session 7: Durga

  • Truth, Cutting Through Illusions

  • Enforcing Boundaries

  • Detoxing Cleansing & Looking at Addictions

Session 8: Kali and the Shadow

  • Transformation and death of the old

  • Non-duality: Embracing darkness and shadow

  • Wild Feminine movement and embodiment

Session 9: Compassionate Goddess Intro and Kuan Yin

  • Connecting to the Heart

  • Forgiveness Meditation

  • Exercises for Self Love

  • Tapping into the Current of Unconditional Love

Session 10: Mother Mary

  • Motherly love

  • Being in service to others

  • Surrendering the mind and opening the heart

Session 11: Isis

  • Heart Opening Embodiment and Isis Meditation

  • Integration of the Sexual, the Fierce, and the Compassionate Goddess

  • Trusting Your Vulnerability

Session 12: Graduation + Integration Ceremony

  • Embodiment Integration

  • Harmonizing Womb and Heart

  • Rose Petal Anointing Ceremony

What does the container include?

  • 12 90-minute live sessions hosted over zoom (held twice per month)

  • A “goddess portal” where you can access all recordings and materials

  • A live Voxer chat between calls for support, questions, and integration

  • A 104-page Urban Goddess student manual full of myths, practices, and prayers

  • Meditations of breathing and visualization exercises


Morgan May coaches women in shadow work, feminine energy, dating, business, and overall life transformation. She is an expert in all things strategy and self-mastery, guiding women to shed the layers of their inauthentic selves, reconnect to their truth, and become their greatest versions. She has guided women to finding their soulmates and living their purpose, and her content on spirituality, womanhood, and self-healing has impacted thousands of women globally.