Healing From Emotional Trauma


This piece was originally featured in a April 8, 2019 post on Instagram at @nomorehurt_

Just as a fish doesn’t know it’s in water, often times we ourselves don’t know we inhabit dysfunctional living environments, especially when we are born into them. Up until I was 26 years old, this was the case with me.

I was born by a narcissistic mother who was incapable of loving me. I was conditioned to believe that the pain that ensued from unrelenting emotional abuse was my fault, being gaslit, manipulated, and mind-fucked constantly, always punished as a child and made to feel worthless and unlovable through emotional neglect. When I was about four years old, I was driven to “the orphanage” after disagreeing with my mother, a power struggle that showed me I was easily disposable and she was always right.

At 26 years old, I put the pieces of my past together. After a particularly heinous fight with my mother, I slowly realized that I had been emotionally abused by her my entire life and started targeting this trauma instead of the previously misunderstood symptoms of it. I tapered off of the five medications I had been prescribed, started treating myself holistically with CBD and diet, and switched to psychodynamic and hypnosis therapy approaches to get to the root of my pain and faulty programming.

I went from barely surviving- anxious, miserable, no self-worth, isolating myself from the world- to truly thriving today, still doing the work unearthing, understanding, and healing from emotional trauma. If you had a difficult parent, upbringing, living environment, etc., and you struggle with negative mental health symptoms today, I urge you to explore your past in the context of trauma. This was the most powerful key that unlocked the path to my authentic self, to happiness, to more fulfillment than I could have ever imagined, and I am far stronger today because of it.

Read this piece and more at @themorganmay