The Magic of Looking Your Best Every Day


There is something magical about putting yourself together every day. Just yesterday I ran some errands after leaving work and a woman approached me as I was leaving Target. She complimented my red shoes and struck up conversation. She asked me if I had to get dressed up for work and I replied that I didn’t have to but I liked to. We talked about the beauty of looking your best and she asked me if I was open to other work opportunities.

There is something magical about looking your best every day. You are showing the world, actively, WHO. YOU. ARE. What you are capable of. Signaling that you are extra-ordinary. Opportunities open up that might not have otherwise. People enter your life that otherwise would have remained strangers.

We owe this to ourselves. We owe representing ourselves in our fullness to our community, our comrades in this journey. Otherwise, we fail ourselves at each connection, each opportunity missed to express ourselves and fulfill our purpose. Never stop on this journey, this path towards greatness, towards our greatest versions. Never stop doing the work, and leveling up.

This piece was originally featured in a September 4, 2019 post on Instagram at @themorganmay