Question Even Your Strongest Beliefs


I just had an extensive weight training session and run to Whole Foods for a meat feast with a friend. To say the version of me 3 months ago wouldn't recognize this woman is an understatement. I went from fully vegan and a 20-year vegetarian to fully carnivore, exclusively cardio and dance to lifting heavy weights and building muscle throughout a two month transition. And I can't tell you how truly vital, energetic and strong I feel.

My entire body composition is changing dramatically, and I'm building muscle in place of body fat that a diet comprised basically exclusively of carbs and sugar kept on me despite my best efforts. I am always satiated and never planning my next meal during the current one. I am vibrant, having full days and weeks and trips without depleting or needing to rest constantly.

I am not a trainer and I am not a nutritionist. I am extremely well versed in transformation, however, constantly surprising myself with the depths I'm capable of diving, the new versions of myself I find in them. The better part of my life has been spent ruling out meat and animal products, but the past 3 years especially have been spent with an open mind, curious spirit, and constant pursuit of truth.

We must never stop questioning everything. Sometimes it's the beliefs we hold so strongly that are our biggest adversaries to living the lives we were made for. We must never stop the pursuit of living our greatest versions, of doing the work untill we get there. We deserve it, after all.

This piece was originally featured in a September 2, 2019 post on Instagram at @themorganmay