Evolution of The Work

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Much of my journey and what I speak about on my platform is shadow work- digging into and unearthing the darkest parts of ourselves, our past, our trauma, to integrate into our person so we can live as whole, full beings. I have been on this path and doing this work for the past 4 years and still surprise myself with the depths I am able to go with it, the things I find there.

We are never done doing this work. It is the work of our lives and that is the beauty of it. Lately, however, I feel like I've been able to enjoy the fruits of this labor, and I am able to focus my energy on work that is seemingly more surface, more fun, work that hardly feels so.

I've been focusing on aligning my energy and on femininity, on how I dress and present myself to the world, on my body and giving it what it needs nutritionally, putting muscle on it and marking it physically stronger. Work doesn't always have to be deep, to the bone. We can get to a point where we can enjoy the integration we have worked so hard for, and exercise it enjoyably. Never stop doing the work, wanting better for ourselves, finding new ways to master our being.

This piece was originally featured in a September 1, 2019 post on Instagram at @themorganmay