The Power of Leveling Up


I've been putting myself together and looking my best every day. Every day. And it has been transformational. It's like a celebration of life every time I choose an outfit that fits just right, that I feel alive and beautiful in.

It can be so easy to get lost in the day-to-day. To forget who we are, how we should represent ourselves in alignment with her. I honestly haven't felt like myself in forever, since I gained about 15 pounds after getting off adderall over two years ago.

I decided to work on myself. I kept asking questions, striving for a deeper understanding of health and what my body needed to look and feel right. I tried so many different things and some worked for a time, but nothing really stuck until I reached a breaking point and found something that did.

We are never done doing our work. Sometimes it can look deep, digging into past trauma to find deeper significance or meaning in our current reality. Sometimes it can be a simple as changing our appearance, how we carry ourselves. I feel so confident, full, bright, and in line with my person, more than I ever have before. We owe it to ourselves to live in our fullness, to show up for ourselves every day. Never stop doing the work.

This piece was originally featured in a August 31, 2019 post on Instagram at @themorganmay