Posts tagged death and rebirth
Healing Our Own Toxicity

I often talk about toxicity in our lives in the context of people, environments, etc. But what if the toxicity is coming from you? What if you are the toxic source in your own life? Before I started really doing my work, I was a horribly toxic person, both in my own life and in the lives of women that considered me a friend. It ended up costing me old friendships, integrity, karma, and regret I still wrestle with to this day.

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What Does it Mean to be a Part of the “Mental Health Community”?

What does it mean to be a part of the “mental health community”? My initial impetus for going public with my story was to help other women and men suffering in the way I have, people searching for ways to help themselves, who want, as I did, to feel better. What I have found since tapping into the “mental health community” is something far graver than what I had anticipated.

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Reconnecting with My Authentic-Self

Can you live an entire life without ever knowing who you truly are? This is a question I’ve asked myself a few times this week. My life today looks absolutely nothing like my life last year, and last year’s looked nothing like my life before I got off medication in New York. I almost don’t recognize myself anymore, and living as an observer in my own life lately has been a trip to say the least. I attribute these radical positive shifts to the work I’ve done on myself, which I will explain.

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