Sexual Energy is Creative Energy: On Celibacy.


I have not slept with anyone for the better part of a year at this point. I wrote off casual sex after getting off of medication and reconnecting with myself and my emotions 2+ years ago, and stopped sleeping with potential romantic partners too soon after dating a particularly heinous one last year.

In this time period, not only have I learned exponentially about myself, have I begun practicing intimacy with myself, being with myself completely in my shadow, void of distraction- I have started my memoir and am 6 chapters in, manifested my dream job, launched an instagram platform, taken up dance, taken up photoshoots. I have discovered parts of myself that I have been avoiding in unfulfilling relationships with partners that would never be available to me, creating a wholeness for me to truly master, and I have never felt more powerful, more creative, than I do right now.

Sexual energy is creative energy, is LIFE FORCE energy. This is our power, what makes us alive. When we spend this in pursuit of physical pleasure, of validation, of love, we drain this power, weakening it and weakening ourselves. .

I understand we live in a world where “hookup culture” is rampant, where women’s bodies are plastered all over social media, where it is radical to keep this energy for yourself, until you find someone that you can expend it productively with. Even still, I would encourage everyone to reassess your relationship to sex, your relationship to your creative energy, and ask if you are using it for your highest good. Stay in your power.

This piece was originally featured in a April 26, 2019 post on Instagram at @themorganmay