On Movement Through Stress and Anxiety


When I get stressed or anxious, my body freezes up. Depending on the magnitude of the situation, I can go into a sort of paralysis where I’m rendered in bed for days if I’m not careful. It reminds me of a fight/flight/freeze response to stressful situations. The freeze response is not uncommon in those of us that have experienced emotional trauma. All of my self-care goes out the window- fitness classes, writing, eating well. I stop responding to most texts and calls, stop leaving my apartment all together. It feels like I sort of crawl into a dark hole until further notice.

This happened recently and one of the most powerful things that got me out of it seemed the most counterintuitive in the moment- movement. Moving our bodies, releasing stressful energy from them so it isn’t trapped to manifest into our brains as overthinking, is crucial in moments of freeze responses like this. I used my CBD to help relax my body first, then listened to a hypnosis recording, and finally, got up and moved. I danced, I walked outside, I reached out to a friend who met me for weight training at the gym- something totally new to me but that I really enjoyed. I left feeling renewed, optimistic, and motivated to make necessary changes and continue moving forward productively and with clarity.

Be kind to yourself. Know that you have your own processes for managing stress and anxiety. If you are or have been rendered in a state of paralysis because of an extraneous event, it’s okay. Give yourself the time and the space you need. Also know that there are tools you can use to pick yourself back up gently when you are ready, that you don’t have to push yourself to “be productive” or to try to change your situation immediately. The path of self-mastery is not perfect. We are mortal, after all. It is how we rise from our ashes that indicates the magnitude of our power.

This piece was originally featured in a June 13, 2019 post on Instagram at @themorganmay