Speak the Truth, Even if Your Voice Shakes


Truth can be frightening to speak because sometimes it is painful, sometimes it is inconvenient, sometimes it is dark. I’ve written about integrity, the importance of it, the freedom it brings. Truth is the layer deeper. If we are looking for true freedom, true self-mastery, we need to always stand in truth, even if it is met with resistance or with anger. ⠀

We live in a world filled with falsehoods. Everywhere we look there is plastic and fake-ness and simulation. When we look at women’s bodies on social media, augmented and injected and starved. When we turn on the T.V. to see “reality” shows and actor politicians and companies telling us what we need. When we look at our food in the supermarket, processed in cellophane wrappers and cardboard boxes and plastic coating. None of it is real. It is a warped version of something that once was, some distorted interpretation that leaves us so far removed from natural order, from TRUTH, from God.

George Orwell said, “In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” In an age where everything is deception, the ONLY thing we really have is truth. Is seeking it, is speaking it, is sharing it, is standing in it regardless of consequence, of knowing that we are not going to please everyone in it. When we don’t speak our truth or we withhold it, we are lying. Our minds and bodies interpret withholding information as a lie. We must prioritize ourselves in truth, in integrity. Stay in your power. Speak only truth.

This piece was originally featured in a June 1, 2019 post on Instagram at @themorganmay