The 8 Laws of Feminine Power: Themes of Love & Dating

Reclaim your power and transform your relationship with love, dating, and yourself.

In this 90-minute masterclass, we will:

  • Unlock the 8 key principles of feminine-based power that you can use to integrate into your life

  • Understand how the masculine interacts with these powers, and how to use them to your advantage

  • Uncover and release the fear and shame you may feel about key elements of your feminine energy so you can begin celebrating and wielding them

  • Glean practices you can incorporate into your day-to-day to stay connected to your power and feminine energy

  • Learn tips and tricks for using your feminine energy in dating and relationship with the masculine

    … and so much more.


Join Morgan May for a free masterclass about becoming your most powerful, feminine self, with a special focus on love and dating.

Thursday, May 9th, 2024

5:00 - 6:30pm PT

Live over Zoom

*A class recording will be sent to all registrants if you cannot attend live*


You have been lied to.

You’ve been lied to about what it means to be a “powerful woman.”About what a woman’s value is in a relationship with a man. About who a “good. woman” and a “bad woman” really is.

Soft, feminine power looks much different than hard, masculine power. When a woman begins to embody this divinely given force, she becomes magnetic, untouchable, and irresistible. Unfortunately, there is much faulty messaging and examples in the culture, in our family systems, and with friends and peers that take us out of this natural, powerful state of being. This disconnect leads to us losing in love, and in how fulfilled we feel in our lives. 

Join Morgan May for a free Masterclass, The 8 Laws of Feminine Power: Themes of Love & Dating, and rediscover who you REALLY are.


Morgan May coaches women in shadow work, feminine energy, dating, business, and overall life transformation. She is an expert in all things strategy and self-mastery, guiding women to shed the layers of their inauthentic selves, reconnect to their truth, and become their greatest versions. She has guided women to finding their soulmates and living their purpose, and her content on spirituality, womanhood, and self-healing has impacted thousands of women globally.