Virtual Dopamine Detox Retreat: A Weeklong Reset to Call Back your Motivation, Pleasure, and Power ft. Neurolymphatic Flow w/ WildRoot

It’s time to withdraw from your TikTok k-holes.

It’s almost Q4, the last quarter of the year- How has the progress on your new-year-new-me goals shaped up? Let me guess:

Your screentime is on 6+ hours/day, you still aren’t moving your a$$, and you have zero motivation to persist and execute ALL of the dreams you had for yourself this year.

Enter the Virtual Dopamine Detox Retreat. You aren’t moving the needle forward as urgently as you want because your dopamine baseline is jacked up so high that nothing is interesting to your brain anymore. Taking a week to reset helps to bring your levels back down, and rewires your brain to source dopamine from healthy places like productivity, working out, and touching grass.

Dopamine is the pleasure and motivation molecule. When your levels are super high from synthetic sources like social media, sugar, and Netflix, you feel like a salmon swimming upstream trying to achieve your goals.

Spoiler alert: this will be the most boring and painful retreat ever. The entire purpose is to take away the brain candy you’ve been feeding yourself and reset your system for healthy neurotransmitter feedback. It’s dull, annoying, and is going to take a few days to adjust to. But transformation is always worth it in the end and if you are seriously committed to yourself and making the most out of what we have left in 2024, kicking off the season with a reset and a group with a shared objective ain’t a bad idea.

Join Morgan May & Brit from WildRoot for a Virtual Dopamine Detox Retreat

Week 1: September 5th - 11th

Week 2: September 12th - 18th

7:00 pm ET weekdays // 1:00 pm ET weekends

Location: Zoom & Voxer app

Week 1: $147 USD

Weeks 1&2: $210

How it works:

Week 1, Morgan & Brit from WildRoot will host a kickoff call Thursday, September 5th, 2024 to introduce dopamine detox and self-care best practices, answer any questions, and allow you to share what your unique detox will look like for accountability purposes.

Some detox examples include:

  • A social media fast

  • Eliminating sugar and caffeine

  • Only necessary phone usage

  • Refraining from adult physical relations

  • No stimulating music or TV

There are many ways to skin this proverbial cat, and various intensity levels. You will have the opportunity to construct the program YOU need, and tap into the container to support your journey.

In the last container, one detoxer sat in a room literally staring at a blank wall for consecutive hours, eating only bland chicken. He said he started sweating his detox was so intense. This level of dedication is not required, though it is supported :)

After the kickoff call, the retreat will be held via the Voxer app which is accessible via iPhone and computer so if you are giving up phone usage, it’s a great option with minimal distraction.

Daily Voxer sessions will be held at 7 pm on weekdays, and 1 pm EDT on weekends for about 45 minutes as needed. This is a time to ask questions, get feedback, vent, and receive support. Morgan will include daily reflections and journal prompts during this time for you to include in your process.

Additionally, Brit from WildRoot will take us on a guided Neurolymphatic flow to lower our cortisol and lessen our dependence on unhealthy coping mechanisms like cheap dopamine.

The weekend days are “blackout days.” This is when we can truly retreat into our homes and go as hard as we can to wean ourselves off of empty dopamine sources like social media and TV. In the weekdays following, as many of us have day jobs, we will begin to reintegrate the stimulation of the world.

Week 2 will continue our integration and keeping a “low dopamine diet. We will be swapping social media to read either Existential Kink or The War of Art based on group consensus. Morgan will continue hosting daily group coaching adn sharing reflective exercises, and Brit will lead us through neurolymphatic, cortisol-lowering exercises after.

WTF is “Neurolymphatic Flow”?

Neurolymphatic Flow is self-care for the top of our body’s hierarchy. By taking care of our nervous and lymphatic systems, we help regulate symptoms of chronic inflammation, our emotions, and hormones.

It’s a series of low-effort, high-impact simple movements that have a dramatic effect on our physiology, and helps us get out of our minds and into our bodies. 

It’s as simple as holding our gaze differently, longer exhales, and simple movements that you can do at the office or on a walk (especially, on the days you feel like you have zero time or are completely burnt out).

You will receive:

  • Over 5 hours of live content that gives you all the tools needed to get off cheap dopamine sources even after the retreat

  • One live* 90-minute meeting over Zoom to kickoff the retreat on Thursday, September 5th at 7:00 pm ET

  • One ongoing Voxer group chat/coaching container for daily support and encouragement

  • Daily reflections and journal prompts to take you deeper into your process

  • Daily neurolymphatic exercises to keep cortisol low during your detox

  • One Notion Dashboard of dopamine detox + neurolymphatic best practices and ideas for you to construct your own ideal retreat tailored to your needs

  • Notion Dashboard also includes neurolymphatic exercises and cortisol-lowering resources from WildRoot

  • A limited-time discount on 1:1 sessions with Morgan May and/or WildRoot

*kickoff recording will be sent to all participants if you are unable to make it live.


Schedule Week 1:

Thursday, September 5th: Kickoff Call // 7:00 - 8:30 pm ET // Zoom

Friday, September 6th: Blackout Prep & Neurolymphatic Flow // 7:00 - 7:45 pm ET // Voxer

Saturday, September 7th: Blackout check-in & Neurolymphatic Flow 1:00 - 1:45 pm ET // Voxer

Sunday, September 8th: Blackout check-in & Neurolymphatic Flow 1:00 - 1:45 pm ET // Voxer

Monday, September 9th: Check-in & Neurolymphatic Flow // 7:00 - 7:45 pm ET // Low-Dopamine Zoom

Tuesday, September 10th: Check-in & Neurolymphatic Flow // 7:00 - 7:45 pm ET // Voxer

Wednesday, September 11th: Check-in & Neurolymphatic Flow // 7:00 - 7:45 pm ET // Voxer

Schedule Week 2:

Book: The War of Art OR Existential Kink (determined on group consensus)

Thursday, September 12th: Kick-off & Neurolymphatic Flow // 7:00 - 8:00 pm ET // Zoom

Friday, September 13th: Chapter Review & Neurolymphatic Flow // 7:00 - 7:45 pm ET // Voxer

Saturday, September 14th: Chapter Review & Neurolymphatic Flow // 1:00 - 1:45 pm ET // Voxer

Sunday, September 15th: Chapter Review & Neurolymphatic Flow // 1:00 - 1:45 pm ET // Voxer

Monday, September 16th: Chapter Review & Neurolymphatic Flow // 7:00 - 7:45 pm ET // Zoom

Tuesday, September 17th: Chapter Review & Neurolymphatic Flow // 7:00 - 7:45 pm ET // Voxer

Wednesday, September 18th: Chapter Review & Neurolymphatic Flow // 7:00 - 7:45 pm ET // Voxer

Let’s Body this Dopamine Monster


Morgan May coaches women in shadow work, feminine energy, dating, business, and overall life transformation. She is an expert in all things strategy and self-mastery, guiding women to shed the layers of their inauthentic selves, reconnect to their truth, and become their greatest versions. She has guided women to finding their soulmates and living their purpose, and her content on spirituality, womanhood, and self-healing has impacted thousands of women globally.

Brit Adams of WildRoot, has been a bodyworker in Oklahoma City for over 20 years. Since 2019, she has mastered self-care practices rooted in primal human needs, which led to significant personal transformations including losing 80 pounds, reversing chronic illness symptoms, and alleviating chronic pain. Brit now helps women create dedicated self-care routines, both in person and online, by fostering accountability and promoting science-based rituals that enhance intuition and self-trust.