Dark Goddess: A Shadow Workshop to Connect you with you Hidden Power

The journey of the divine feminine is far from only love and light.

Yes, much of the influence we have today surrounding feminine energy is warm, loving, and receptive.

And yes, these qualities are important qualities to the expression of Divine Feminine energy.

But there is a depth within her that is seldom accurately communicated on social media and in popular teachings.

A darkness we often fear and shy away from, casting out and labeling as “evil” or “demonic.”

The journey of the divine feminine can NEVER be divorced from the underworld, for her journey into it is intrinsic to everything she represents: Truth and Compassion.

We are entering into a very precarious. time as a collective, where Mercury joins Venus retrograde. This is a collective “dark night” where we will be forced to witness our shadows, traverse our own depths, and emerge stronger than before.

And who better to take you there than the dark divine feminine herself?


Join Morgan May for a transformational workshop on unearthing your shadows and tapping into your dark feminine power

Date/Time: Sunday, August 27th, 2023

7:00 - 8:30pm EDT

Live over Zoom

*A class recording will be sent to all registrants if you cannot attend live*

Price: $44 USD


This Workshop combines astrology, feminine embodiment, shadow work, goddess archetypes, and ancient wisdom to create the most potent container of becoming your truest, most powerful self. In it you will:

  • Discover how to use the season of Venus and Mercury retrograde to your highest benefit

  • Learn about the descent of Inanna mythology and connect to ancient wisdom and archetypes

  • Deep-dive into how to access our feminine power through our shadow selves and authentic dark feminine energy

  • Feminine Embodiment practice to create safety in the body during intense and tumultuous periods

  • Shadow work and reflective journal prompts to unleash your most potent, authentic version


You will receive:

  • A recording of the 90-minute workshop, plus 30 minute Q & A session after

  • Powerful embodiment exercises to integrate into your own practice

  • A PDF of shadow work journal prompts to help access your personal power

  • A Spotify playlist of the music used

  • A limited-time discount on 1:1 sessions with Morgan May



Morgan May coaches women in shadow work, feminine energy, dating, business, and overall life transformation. She is an expert in all things strategy and self-mastery, guiding women to shed the layers of their inauthentic selves, reconnect to their truth, and become their greatest versions. She has guided women to finding their soulmates and living their purpose, and her content on spirituality, womanhood, and self-healing has impacted thousands of women globally.