UNDERWORLDLY: A Hero & Heroine's Journey of Self-Discovery, Transformation, & Personal Power

It’s no secret that there have been some dense energies at play lately.

You or a loved one may be going through what the mystics call a “dark night of the soul.”

A period of suffering, of refinement, of making it virtually impossible to stay exactly where you are, to do anything but grow and evolve.

A period where you journey into your underworld, slay your proverbial beasts, reconnect with the parts of yourself you keep hidden in the shadows, and emerge with an unbreakable light as your truest, most authentic, most powerful self.

We are entering into a collective underworld in the coming weeks, as Mercury joins Venus in Retrograde.

This is a period when these personal planets appear not to be moving forward, but backward.

It’s a time of deep introspection, of slowing down, of taking pause from the realm of the “light” and external world to go deep within yourself and call forth a new iteration.

It’s a time to get hotter and weirder, and to do it with friends on the same path.

But how can I explain the treasures I have found in the underworld, precious indeed…how, when you heal by climbing out of a treacherous tunnel from the center of the earth, hour after hour, day after day in sheer darkness and often monumental pain, giving up a thousand times and then taking another breath and another anyway…how by the time you are near the surface you are not striving for the light anymore because more than ever you carry it within?
— Jennifer Posada

Join Morgan May for a 4-week transformational coaching container to journey into the most hidden parts of yourself and call forth your greatest power.

Who: Both Men & Women

When: August 30rd - September 20th, 2023

6:00-7:30 pm EDT

Where: Live over Zoom + Voxer

*class recordings will be available if you cannot attend live*

Price: $397 USD (Full: $497)

Bring a friend for $100 off each ticket


Uncover the Hidden Power Within your Shadows

in this transformational 4-week coaching container, you will embark on a journey into your own underworld, discovering parts of yourself laying trapped within your unconscious waiting to be expressed and integrated, including fears, desires, and unresolved emotions. Through a combination of classes, myths, archetypes, group coaching sessions, reflective exercises, and a supportive community, you will:

  • Set an intention at the start of class for you to focus your energies on during this potent container- whatever goal you have in mind you can trust in yourself and “the universe” to help you in executing

  • Undergo a process of self-discovery and understanding, taking the wisdom and knowledge you find with you for the rest of your life

  • Learn tools and techniques to create safety in the body during periods of darkness and refinement

  • Practice surrendering, and trusting in your divine guidance and highest self to be your guiding light

  • Integrate your shadows, shed an old identity, and achieve personal empowerment through finding unseen power


The Curriculum

Week 1: Dark Night of the Soul & Priming the Body for Safety

  • This will be a introduction class into ego death, the shadow, and alchemy. We will also set the stage for experiencing safety in our bodies as we embark on this path into the underworld.

Week 4: Persephone & Hades: Embracing All Seasons

  • We will use the myth of Persephone to deeper understand cyclical living and the many deaths and rebirths we encounter in a year as we begin to ascend back to the upper world to reunite with the land of the living.

Week 3: Egyptian & Tibetan Books of the Dead

  • What did the ancient Egyptians and Tibetans know about death and dying that we don’t? About the afterlife and traversing through the darkness on this earth? We will find out in this module.

Week 4: The Alchemy of Transformation: Death & Rebirth

  • Drawing from mythological and spiritual traditions, we will explore the symbolic journey of alchemical processes and how they mirror the cycles of life, death, and renewal as we emerge from our underworlds


The Hero’s Journey

You will receive:

  • 4 live 90-minute classes that include live coaching and embodiment practices (recordings will be available if you can't make it live)

  • Daily Voxer coaching and chat for accountability, community, and support

  • 15-minute meditation recording

  • Daily journal prompts (weekdays in Voxer)

  • Notion board with recordings and additional course materials



Morgan May coaches women in shadow work, feminine energy, dating, business, and overall life transformation. She is an expert in all things strategy and self-mastery, guiding women to shed the layers of their inauthentic selves, reconnect to their truth, and become their greatest versions. She has guided women to finding their soulmates and living their purpose, and her content on spirituality, womanhood, and self-healing has impacted thousands of women globally.

CourseMorgan Mayworkshop