When 'Doing the Work' Distracts Us from Happiness.


I’ve spent a lifetime inside my head, thinking and seeking and thinking again. I always thought this was just my personality, living on the mental plane more than the others. I realize now it’s a sneaky tool we can use to avoid living, to avoid connecting with our hearts and with others, living in our heads instead of reality. I realize that even though our inner dialogue may sound like it’s in our best interest, “working on ourselves” constantly robs us of happiness because we are perfect already. I realize that even though it may be painful to live in our bodies, or it has been in the past, it is better to and we can trust our bodies to carry us exactly where we need to be.

Healing from trauma can take a lifetime. It can show up in your life in ways you didn’t expect. It can even look like personality after a while. But if you desire it, if you desire to break the chains keeping you small and holding you back from your authentic self, your greatest version, if you are ruthless at fighting for this life of yours, you will heal, and it will be more beautiful than you can imagine.