Getting Off Birth Control: The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful with Intuitive Living Coach, Alexandra Mollon


On this episode of Morgan, May I? I am joined by intuitive coach, Alexandra Mollon to talk about her journey going off of hormonal birth control (IUD + oral) after a decade of use. We dive into the why, the how, the ups, and the downs of making the empowered decision to live fully connected to herself- physically and emotionally. We also discuss femininity, shadow work, and the relationship we have with our bodies.

Alex Mollon has followed her intuition across careers and the country; from leaving a job at a top global ad agency in NYC, to help grow a small agency in SC, to living an intuitive life in CO. She listened. She listened when it called her to a community of empowered women here in CO. And yet again, when it called her to remove her IUD. The journey of following her gut and allowing her divine feminine wisdom to shine through has been liberating, and her goal is now to help other women step into their power by re-aligning with the innate wisdom of their bodies to live a happier, more intuitive life.

Show Notes:

Interview mentioned with Dr. John Grey, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus here.