On Father’s Day.


To the man that named me Morgan because “it’s a strong name in finance,” thank you for being the best dad a girl could ask for 💕

Parents are weird. They’re like deeply flawed humans who fill the most important, super-human roles in our lives, single handedly creating archetypal symbols that represent our core relationship to ourselves and other people.

I often think we live on a planet of children raising children raising children. Our physical vessels growing into an “adult” version or assuming the role of a life-bringer or life-protector doesn’t change the fact that at our core, we are human children. Because of this, perhaps it is imbedded in the human condition to “do the work” of healing these archetypal wounds, because they were doomed for imperfection from the start.

I also feel that as we grow older we begin to appreciate aspects of our human parental archetypes that we may have overlooked before we come of age.

I do believe we choose our parents, for these lessons and blessings. And the deeper you go on these relationships and with this work, the more integrated and fulfilled you become in your own.