On Motherhood.


I’ve had a theme of motherhood creep into my life as of late. It seems like everywhere I turn there is a newness of life. Several of my friends are pregnant, there were kids in my previous two Ayuascha ceremonies (not engaging obviously), a new client is in a mom-niche, and my latest two podcast episodes are surrounding motherhood (posts to come on that but the link is up in my bio).

This topic has always been wrought with conflict for me but lately, I feel a different relationship coming. As if I’m studying it from the outside looking in, understanding the mechanisms in a different way.

I recently had the privilege of staying with a dear friend of mine, @roniwgerard, a mother of 2 and pregnant with a third. This intimate exposure of domestic life was completely foreign to me prior. I learned parents are sort of celebrities to their kids, demigods their entire worlds revolve around. I learned the intense degree to which children need attention and caregiving. I learned about a new level of chaos only unlocked tho those who bring forth life onto the planet.

It might sound silly, and I had some understanding of these concepts already, but I had never really witnessed them or lived among them. Maybe all of this “primary research” has been helping to heal my own mother wound. Maybe it’s giving me perspective on what I do and don’t want for my own life. Maybe I’m entering my own season of life-bringing in various forms. In any event, it’s been an interesting new rabbithole to explore and I’ve been learning about myself along the way.

Are you in any particular season right now?