On Dreaming.

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What do you dream about? What is it you desire? When you close your eyes, focus your attention inward, into your heart, what do you see? What song does your muse sing to you? I have meditated on these questions myself these past few weeks, asking myself what my best life looks like, what it feels like.

What I’ve found is a place that is farther ahead of where I am now. Is something that is going to take time and energy and discipline and a strong belief in myself and in a higher power. This is what our purpose is. It’s big. It’s important. And it takes time, energy, focus to cultivate. ⠀

This does not scare me. I’ve learned that the consequences of not pursuing my purpose when I’m so clearly and strongly called to do so is undesirable, unfulfilling, does not allow for my full expression as a human. The only way we can honor ourselves is by honoring our dreams. ⠀

Time is usually the variable preventing us from fulfilling these dreams, we tell ourselves. We must value our time. One of the main factors separating entrepreneurs and successful people from the herd is how they value their time. Ask yourself what you would do if you had all the time in the world, what you would build. Then prioritize that in your day. Find the time and make the time for yourself, your dreams. And do your work.

This piece was originally featured in a June 21, 2019 post on Instagram at @themorganmay