On Anger.


This room. This is where I spent 6 months of my life. In this room. On this couch. Alone.

We all lost a lot during this time. I haven’t let myself feel as angry as I am about it but it’s starting to hit me. A part of myself loved it. A bigger part of myself healed during it. But consecutive months in solitude did break me in a way, as tough as I think I am.

This week I moved up to an adorable cottage in the Hudson Valley. I was nervous but I let God and my heart lead me and I’m so glad I did. I can breathe here, coming back to myself slowly.

Don’t get too comfortable. Don’t let the delusion of this “new world” blind you to the reality that none of this is normal. None of this is okay. Our time, livelihood, relationships, mental and physical health and more being taken from us is not just to “flatten the curve.” It’s been 50% of a full year for a virus with a 99.8% survival rate.

I’m not writing this to get political. I’m writing this so we don’t forget, and we stop complying with anything that takes our sovereignty away from us. I don’t care if this whole fiasco has been politicized and you’re living in fear or being socially controlled to stay “socially distant” or wear a mask walking down the street minding your own business. Just don’t forget that this is not normal. And it’s okay to be angry about it.

Photo by @sorennabrown

Photo by @sorennabrown