Healing with Hypnotherapy


I’ve always been afraid to learn pole and dance. My thoughts and behaviors had been operating on toxic programming that resulted in things like low self worth and a fear of shining. These things, being abstract and intangible in nature slipped under my radar my entire life. It wasn’t until I realized I had been doing so much work on myself- therapy once a week, restrictive diet for mental health, CBD when needed, constant self-analysis- yet was still under-earning, attracting unavailable partners, and struggling with underlying anxiety. It felt like I was experiencing major blocks in my life, blocks I could see through patterns but couldn’t exactly touch or fix, despite my best efforts. Then I learned about hypnotherapy.

I was scrolling on Instagram one day when I came across a Dr. Bruce Lipton video where he spoke about “how we are programmed at birth.” He explains that from ages 0-7, our brains are only capable of producing Theta brainwaves- a very slow brainwave state, the same state as your subconscious mind. When we are being highly productive in our adult lives, for example, we are in an Alpha state, much faster brainwaves. But from ages 0-7, we are literally ONLY a subconscious mind. And guess what? After the age of 7, NINTEY FIVE PERCENT of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors stem from our subconscious. This blew my mind.

He goes on to describe the only two ways the subconscious mind learns and changes. He says the conscious mind learns wonderfully with things like therapy, self-help books- tools I’d been using for ages. But the only two ways to hack your subconscious, the place where all of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors stem from, is through repetition and hypnotherapy.

I started doing the math- I was raised by a toxic parent, in an environment ripe with emotional trauma and abuse, so naturally my programming during early development would lead to dysfunction in my adult life. I had tried almost everything else and was still facing blocks. I decided to try hypnotherapy in November to target low self-worth- what I believed to be the underling pin holding all my various blocks together- and my life has been doing a 180 degree change since.

In only three months, I have taken up pole fitness/dance classes and feel the most alive I ever have. I have quit a job I was unhappy at, having nothing but a loose prospect lined up and a strong belief in myself, and ended up attracting a dream position that affirms my worth. I have cut ties with partners that are not available to me, focusing my energy now on writing my story. My anxiety has dramatically diminished as well and I am no longer triggered by the things I used to be.

If you are struggling with anything I described, pervasive dysfunctional patterns, low self-esteem/self-worth, underlying fear or anxiety, or even if you were raised by a toxic parent or faced your own trauma and feel this may have impacted your life negatively, I can’t recommend hypnotherapy enough. I feel like I’m on an expedited path to growing into the woman I am, wild and free and no longer at the behest of faulty programming. Contact me if you have any questions or want more info.

This was originally featured in a February 2, 2019 post on Instagram at @themorganmay