You Are The Prize

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We live in a culture that beats down the self-esteem of women, leads us to believe we are worthless, that the value we do have lies in our bodies and giving them away. It teaches us that men and women are the same, and that women can obtain more value by adopting more masculine traits.

This is all deception. The truth is, men have fought wars over women, have jeopardized empires over women, have BUILT empires to obtain women. And masculine and feminine energies are complimentary to one another, needing each other, and very different.

We live in a universe of fractals and symbols, and when we observe our microcosm, we see that the sperm- MILLIONS of sperm- chase the egg, not the other way around. This is the truth of how our energy flows naturally, yet so many of us- myself included at a time- act in opposition to it.

It is brave today, radical even, to love ourselves, to act in alignment with our divinity, how we are wired, made to live. Women, we are the prize. The more we embody this, the happier, more secure, more divine we become. Do your work.

This piece was originally featured in a October 30, 2019 post on Instagram at @themorganmay