Surrender to the Flow
“She finally surrendered to the Flow when she realized that her deepest desires and dreams were simply memories from the future.”
This quote reminds me of an excerpt from my favorite Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman episode of all time, "Is There a Sixth Sense?"
"In the 1860s, during the time of the American Civil War, physicist James Clerk Maxwell in England worked out the entire theory of light and electromagnetism.
What Maxwell showed is that light, this mysterious thing that pervades our Universe, is actually a wave.
So we now know that light is nothing but a wave of electricity and magnetism oscillating together.
Think of a dancer waving this gigantic flag.
The hand motion comes first, and then the wave starts to unfurl.
But let me let you in on a dirty little secret.
There is a second solution to Maxwell's equation that has haunted physics for the last 150 years.
There are also these bizarre advanced waves -- solutions that allow you to see the future.
In the advanced wave solution, the flag moves before the dancer's hand.
Information travels from the future to the present."
This was originally featured in a February 24, 2019 post on Instagram at @themorganmay