Living in Seasons


It can be very easy for me to fall into negative thought-patterns of self-criticism and being "hard on myself." Those of us that were raised by controlling and/or narcissistic parents probably relate to having internalized their voice in this way, having it manifest as perfectionism.

Despite painful self-awareness, my perfectionism manifests into most if not all areas of my life, and quelling it can be challenging to say the least. I find myself wanting to do everything all the time- and perfectly. If my day isn't full of all my initiatives- writing and dancing and working and exercising and eating "acceptable" foods, I feel as though I have failed.

The truth is, perfectionism is a vessel of spiritual oppression. That hyper-critical voice is a lie. It does not want you to achieve greatness, and it is not encouraging you towards that. Because if you maintain impossibly high standards, and beat yourself up when you do not meet them, you will never actually achieve anything. It is a tool to keep us small, prevent us from fulfilling our purpose, the life we dream about.

Humans, like the earth, live in seasons, and each season has a different energy, a different focus. We are not built to do everything all the time, just as the earth was not built to bare fruit and rest in the same season. We need to honor our cyclical nature, and surrender to the season we are living in, acting in the flow of where the energy is guiding us, and not wearing ourselves down trying to do it all, to be perfect. 

This piece was originally featured in a October 16, 2019 post on Instagram at @themorganmay