nice girl deprogramming: 28 days to build your confidence & unleash your inner savage

what if being “nice” was holding you back from everything you’ve ever wanted?

the relationship

the body

the money

the life


let me guess:

  • you identify as a “people pleaser” and consistently put other's needs above your own

  • you feel insecure and struggle with low self-esteem and confidence

  • you have a hard time speaking up and using your voice, especially if it involves conflict

  • you don't really get angry but may experience feelings of anxiety or depression

  • you attract narcissists, takers, and one-sided relationships you build resentment in

i’ve been there. i’ve seen it. and its a problem.

contrary to everything you’ve been taught, being “nice” seldom serves YOU. constantly putting others’ needs before your own attracts takers, users, narcissists, abusers, and keeps you stuck in a life that isn’t aligned with who you really are.

we develop nice girl habits and behaviors for many reasons, either to survive dysfunctional living environments, because of religious indoctrination, or what society communicates to us about what is expected of women.

but, after a lifetime of codependency patterns, people pleasing, and staying small, who is really winning? is it us? or is it the people and systems who benefit from how “good” we are?

its time to break free, deprogram the nice girl, and own our full power.

at every moment, a woman makes a choice between the state of the queen, and the state of the slave girl. in our natural state, we are glorious beings. In the world of illusion, we are lost and imprisoned.
— Marianne Williamson

join morgan may for a 28-day transformational coaching container to deprogram your nice girl mask and start living as your truest, most savage self.

when: wednesdays, september 18 - october 23, 2024

7:30-9:00 pm edt

where: live over zoom + voxer

*a class recording will be sent to all registrants if you cannot attend live*

early price: $497 usd

early price active until 9/13

full price: $597 usd

pay in full bonus: 8-hour sleep hypnosis to reprogram your mind while you sleep

payment plan: $249 x 2


turning on savage mode: living for yourself

in this transformational 4-week coaching container, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery powerful enough to break the chains holding you back from living as the freest, most powerful version of yourself. through a combination of classes, group coaching sessions, reflective exercises, and a supportive community, you will gain the tools and insights needed to:

  • identify and challenge limiting beliefs that keep you trapped in "nice girl" patterns

  • establish healthy boundaries and confidently assert your needs and desires

  • cultivate self-compassion and prioritize self-care without guilt or hesitation

  • develop authentic relationships based on mutual respect and genuine connection

  • start living life on your terms, actualizing your dreams, and embodying your most confident, radiant self


the curriculum

week 1: deconstructing the nice girl

  • we will dive into how exactly “nice girls” are made, false beliefs she’s built on, and elements of her mask and shadow. we will also learn about the power of being disliked, how to break away from people-pleasing and the fawn response so you can begin building self-esteem

week 2: evoking our inner villain

  • we will explore aspects of the “dark feminine,” parts of divine feminine energy that have been demonized and shunned in the culture but that are holy parts of you calling out to be integrated. we will also learn about the power of being disliked by the wrong people.

week 3: sacred rage + our “fuck no”

  • we will begin to tap into and develop relationships with our dormant anger and rage as well as expounding upon dark feminine characteristics so you can begin to cultivate them within yourself. boundary-setting embodiment.

week 4: what a girl wants + our “fuck yes”

  • we will exercise tapping into our authentic desires and using our voice to communicate what we want and don’t want via the diva archetype. learning how to fill our cup up first as feminine beings and acting selfishly before meeting others’ needs.

week 5: savage of the heart + reintegrating purity

  • being a kind, sweet soul isn’t always bad. this last lesson will bring together all we have learned and allow you to live from the heart to exercise compassion, with a backbone.

bonus week 6: fearless conflict resolution

  • one major purpose of this work is to show up authentically to our relationships, and many of us are so terrified of conflict that we revert to our inauthentic fawn-state. this class will review how to use everything we have learned to approach conflict in a healthy, productive, real way, so we don’t keep everything inside until it explodes and goes scorched-earth.


28 days of becoming the queen you were designed to be

you will receive:

  • 6 live 90-minute classes that include live coaching and embodiment practices (recordings will be available if you can't make it live)

  • daily voxer coaching and chat for accountability, community, and support

  • 15-minute morning self-hypnosis recording

  • daily journal prompts (weekdays in voxer)

  • PAY IN FULL BONUS: 8-hour sleep hypnosis to reprogram your mind while you sleep

your “villain era” starts now



Morgan May coaches women in shadow work, feminine energy, dating, business, and overall life transformation. She is an expert in all things strategy and self-mastery, guiding women to shed the layers of their inauthentic selves, reconnect to their truth, and become their greatest versions. She has guided women to finding their soulmates and living their purpose, and her content on spirituality, womanhood, and self-healing has impacted thousands of women globally.