❤️ For Love & Money🤑

Welcome to another edition of,

Musings & Rabbitholes:

A Newsletter About the Most Interesting Things.

Please add me to your address book so you never miss me

Dear Diary,

I write to you with a new, deeper level of self-acceptance. It is 2am and I've been pounding coffee and l-tyrosine all evening to finish my work at the VERY last minute, much like my black-eye and adderall college days. Time urgency will always be my heavily ADHD-riddled brain's foolproof motivator and I'm just embracing it.

If this is your first time falling down the Musings & Rabbithole, hello and welcome, I am so glad you are here to bask in the madness. And for Rabbithole veterans, as always with the extensive time periods between these trysts with your inbox, my life has changed pretty dramatically since we last spoke. It feels like I've quantum leaped into a different timeline in the simulation matrix we're all entrapped in. I'll get into it soon.


Now, without further ado I bring to. you Edition VI of,

Musings & Rabbitholes:

The Heavily Caffinated Newsletter.


Money Work

I lost my phone in July and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I started reading again and picked up this masterpiece. It's hilarious and super helpful at breaking through your own bs and making the coin you're worth.

Get Your Bag


Mistress Mind

I recently engaged in my second container with one of my mentors, Amanda Young. She hosted a 12-week, women-only mastermind and WOW. Her first course changed my life but this did me in for a second round. Can't recommend enough.

Check out Embrace


Baring it All

I was recently asked to be a guest on the Fearless Female podcast. This is by far one of my favorite conversations. We talk about my journey from being an overly medicated wild child to radical self-healing and spiritual awakenings.

Listen to the episode here.


Saturday, 9/25/2021, 2pm EST

This coming Saturday I am hosting a free, live Masterclass of all the content going into an online mini-course. Join me to develop your personalized feminine dating strategy, equipped to weather even the toughest dating market. This Masterclass combines the best practices of marketing strategy with the ancient principles of masculine and feminine energy, taking you through the proven process of:

  • Identifying what you really want i.e. your core values

  • Discovering your unique value offering

  • Understanding your “consumer” (men)

  • Cultivating the magic of femininity

  • Setting you up for success in attracting a sustainable partnership

Join me live and start positioning yourself for romantic success.

This instagram account is the most disturbing, fascinating, and artistic content I have experienced in a while. It's totally hammered so please explore at your own risk. Sorry and you're welcome.


I've been working a lot with Ayuascha here in Mexico but I've recently been called to work with Iboga. Haven't sourced it here yet but a friend sent me this podcast episode about it and I found it absolutely fascinating. I think the main difference between the two is that Iboga specifically works with your dopamine receptors to recalibrate them.


The most interesting article I've read in months is about How Neopets Paved the Road to the Metaverse. Not only did it trigger my millennial nostalgia, but I found it to be an absolutely brilliant analysis of our current virtual hyper-reality.


The Drugs (caffeine) are Waning.

This was fun. Hope the dopamine hit from this was as good for you as it was for me. Maybe I'll fuck around and make these actually consistent.

Until next time beautiful human :)

In Truth & Love,

Morgan May


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